How does Big Brothers Big Sisters help Kasaius?
When Big Brothers Big Sisters works to match a Little with a Big, we take into account the needs, personality, interests, and goals of both the child and the adult volunteer. We introduce the Little and his or her family to the Big slowly and make sure everyone is fully committed to the match before it is made official. Little Brother Kasaius is outgoing and up for anything, so he needed a Big who was creative and had a variety of interests.
Relationship Management
Children like Kasaius get the most out of their one-to-one relationship with their Big when the Big, the parent or guardian, and the child talk openly with their Match Support Specialist. Working as part of the team helping the child succeed, the Match Support Specialist can help identify problems, brainstorm solutions, and connect the family with essential services.
When Kasaius’ Big Brother saw the email from BBBS saying that there were spots open in a free acting class, he jumped at the chance to take Kasaius. BBBS affiliates across the country provide activities for Bigs and Littles and also alert Bigs to opportunities in the community. This enables Bigs to get to know other Bigs, who might be experiencing similar things and who might have great suggestions for more new activities.
Screening and Training
Child safety is Big Brothers Big Sisters’ highest priority. To achieve the highest standards possible, we work constantly to review and strengthen our background check systems as new best practices in the industry emerge. We also make sure our Bigs and our staff have the training and resources they need to help Littles on their path to success.
Thank YOU to everyone who volunteered, bowled, and donated!

Bowl For Kids' Sake
January 28 & 29
Your attendance has a BIG impact on youth in our community. JOIN US!
Tickets are available for a limited time at $35. Buy yours today!
Brews, Bites, & Bids, previously called Holiday Auction & Craft Beer Tasting, has become one of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hampden County's signature events thanks to the incredible support from our community. Each year this event has grown in popularity as well as the amount of money raised to support youth enrolled in our programs. We know that this year will be no different.
At this year's event, you will sample seasonal favorites poured by the finest craft breweries from around the region while enjoying a creative menu paired to highlight the different beer styles. You can bid on fantastic auction items like weekend getaways or beer dinner for 10 friends hosted by a local brewer and restaurant or a beautiful piece of jewelry. The evening will be great fun and have a BIG impact, helping empower youth to thrive!
1 in 3 kids will grow up without a mentor
Our mission is to help children in under-resourced families thrive by providing life-changing, one-to-one relationships with caring adult mentors. With your support, these friendships will enrich the lives of over hundreds of kids in western Massachusetts communities this year.